My Favourite Things - With A Heavy Heart
Nov 01, 2023
Namaste dear friends,
A warm welcome to those of you who are new to this space. Each month, on the 1st of the month, I share with you a somewhat random assortment of what I have been enjoying over the preceding weeks. It might be book recommendations, spiritual teachings, or even TV show ideas. I share everything from recipes to ruminations and reflections.
As I've sat down to write these words to you it feels trite to be discussing my personal preferences or inspirations given what's been going on in the world over the last month.
I was profoundly disappointed in Australia, this place which I have come to think of as home, for voting NO in The Voice referendum. This is a big step back in reconciliation and just such a jarring reality check, reflecting how far we have to go as a nation in kindness, intelligence, and compassion.
I feel embarrassed.
I'm also heartbroken following what is happening in Palestine and Israel. I don't pretend to have enough understanding of this enormously complex situation to have many opinions about politics. But the humanitarian crisis, the damage, the hurt, and the suffering are heartbreaking to witness. It shocks me that at this moment in our collective history, human beings are still capable of behaving like this. That we haven't become better than war.
So I have only three recommendations for you today. Here they are:
🌹 From author Elizabeth Gilbert the suggestion to ask the question 'What Would Love Say?'. When you are being hard on yourself. When you are judging another person. When you're at a loss looking at the state of the world. Ask 'What Would Love Say?' and respond only from that place.
🌹 From teacher and guide Nina Petuzzo whom I completed a beautiful business training this week - bring love to places where it was not present before. Bring love to the argument. To the anger. To the tiredness. Bring only love and bring it in abundance.
3) From my own humble heart. Hold your loved ones close and celebrate your family, community, and friends. This last week I gave all my children a day of school and the five of them and I went on a bush walk and had a cafe lunch together. Just because. Because time is short, life is busy and children are precious holy beings here to be enjoyed, elevated, and celebrated.
I had the blessing and honour of talking privately to my teacher Sharon Gannon a few days ago on Zoom. We spoke about my new book (coming out next month - you'll hear more on this soon!) which she has written a beautiful endorsement for. We spoke about the passing of time and the call to creative work. The importance of family and the guiding light of teachers and the teachings. It is Sharonji who has reminded me time and time again that ...
With Great Love All is Possible,
and even though my heart is heavy right now I know this to be true,
with love
Katie Rose x
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