My Favourite Things (February 2024)
Feb 01, 2024
Namaste my loves,
Happy new school term (and to my mind true New Year),
January was such a whirlwind of adventures and blessings (as Alanis Morissette so eloquently said 'thank you India'!), read on to hear some of what I've been up to:
RAISING over $6000 for Doctors Without Boarders in Gaza through our 'What Would Love Do?' campaign. I'm so blown away by the response from this community (you!) and in a world that feels somewhat desolate right now this has warmed my heart. Thank you to all who donated and gave of their time and energy to make this happen.
READING 'The Henna Artist' by Alka Joshi' - India inspired of course (head to my Instagram for all the India pilgrimage photo spam), this is a delicate and beauty-filled novel, I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
LISTENING to a lot of podcasts as always. I loved this one with Amy Landry and Laura Plumb which really brought the Vedic teachings to life in new ways for me.
REFLECTING on colonialism and why it feels so different in India to how it does here in Australia. Obviously, this is a nuanced and deeply political question. But in my recent travels, one of the retreat participants (who herself is Aboriginal) said 'It's because the British didn't destroy culture in India'. It made me realise how deeply the culture of Indigenous Australia has been obliterated by invasion. And this in turn led me to think about Palestine and how genocide destroys culture. Watch this space for a project I'm brewing in the background around celebrating Palestinian culture as a radical act of defying the destruction of the heart and soul of a nation. And if you know any great Palestinian music, poems, writing, recipes or art please share with me.
PLANNING 2024 with great enthusiasm. I have some big plans for my membership program Bhakti Club this year - it's going to get better and better and I can't wait to share it all with you. I'm also planning another India trip for Jan of 2025 (South India this time - including Radhanath Swami's ashram) and a Bali mini-retreat in July. In terms of life beyond my work, I have studies to catch up on with my long-term mentors Kaya Mindlin and Elena Brower this year and I'm continuing to work with Victoria Washington (business coach) too. I'm a lifelong student and being so enables me to serve you so much more deeply and intentionally.
MAKING a lot of smoothies and if I'm really honest apart from the India trip eating too much take-out and eat-out food. I'm looking forward to getting back into some proper home cooking once the kids are settled back in school. One of the things I've struggled with now all my kids are such different ages is the 'family meal'. We used to be so good at all sitting down together to eat but these days the schedules (and preferences) of each family member are so all over the place it's tricky. In wonderful news though my partner Sam has gone vegetarian since our India trip and we've now decided to raise our daughter veggo too. I've never pressured my kids or friends to eat a certain way (although I have educated them a lot about animal rights). This feels like such a lovely alignment of values and choices and I'm really happy. If ever reinforcement of the choice to be vegetarian were needed the dreadful news of live export catastrophe off the coast of Perth at the moment should do it. If you're veggo curious HERE is a great link to get you started.
With great love, all is possible, always,
Katie Rose x
P.S. Final call on this year's Bhakti Women Summit. We open on 8th Feb with a live session you won't want to miss that shares with you some of the Vedic astrology (Jyotish) for 2024.
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