My Favourite Things (June 2023)
Jun 02, 2023
Namaste dear friends,
Happy 1st of June and welcome to my monthly round-up of 'favourite things'.
I love putting these lists together and it struck me yesterday as I was pondering this month's content, that they actually form a beautiful journal of sorts, reminding me of the simple treasures in life as time moves by so swiftly.
Let me start this month with a laugh. As some of you might know I changed my name five years ago when I got divorced. I let go of my ex-husband's surname and gave myself the name 'Rose'. My eldest son has been teasing me (in a friendly way) about this 'made-up' surname ever since. Imagine his utter delight when he came across this TIC TOC meme and sent it to me (listen all the way through to really get the joke here) ...
My kids keeping it real for me!
Here's where this month is at. I've been ...
CREATING a whole website for the new branch of my work 'Bhakti Business'. Check it out here I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback.
SCHEDULING to be a guest on a bunch of podcasts, particularly to promote Bhakti Business. I enjoy listening to podcasts and I like being a guest on them too. Audio is one of my favourite mediums. What podcasts do you listen to? I'd love to know ... maybe they'd like to have me as a guest.
LAUGHING not only at being teased by my kids but also at this cute book from Row House Publishing which points to my plans to build a tiny home in the woods! All laughs aside Row House are an incredible publishing house doing brave and necessary work to keep important conversations around social justice on the table. The best way to support small independent publishers is to buy a book. I just bought this one which I'm pretty fascinated to read given that I have dabbled in Multi Level Marketing in the past and I'm still deeply immersed in the world of online business.
PLANNING a holiday. All four of my boys are going to Thailand with their dad this month for two weeks, and I'll be off for a cosy 'staycation' of sorts in a beautiful riverside cottage in Hawkesbury. I can't wait for some downtime. I already have half a dozen books lined up. My eldest two children live with me full time and the younger ones 60% of the time (plus the baby!) so life on the domestic front is constant. I am beyond excited to have two weeks off chauffeuring, cooking and cleaning for a tribe. I love the tribe, but I'll love a break too I'm sure.
CONTEMPLATING inclusivity in my business. As you know I wrote a gender policy last month and this month I've been thinking about broader inclusivity including the creation of a scholarship program within Bhakti Business for minority communities. I signed up for a course with Annie Gichuru which I'm fascinated to dive into.
INDULGING my love of print design. For the new Bhakti Business website we went with some beautiful print backgrounds and I'm looking at using more in my work moving forward. Aesthetics matter to me a lot and I'm so inspired by brand design in general. Current favourites are classics - Florence Broadhurst and Laura Ashley spring to mind. In the 80's my parents bought a cottage in the UK that was Laura Ashley decorated throughout - from curtains to wallpaper. I loved that place! I mean check out these dresses for a start.
STUDYING with Victoria Washington, her perspectives on integrity within the business have been guiding me strongly. I'll be interviewing her this month for a free Business Summit specifically for yoga teachers that I'm working on with Yoga Australia. More on that soon.
BUYING new thermos food flasks. One of my best winter lunchbox hacks is to make a massive pot of hearty soup and then serve it in a thermos for every kid to have a warm lunch at school. Finding the perfect thermos is like finding the perfect pen or bedding. Small details matter. In this case the actual brand name matters. Thermos is the way to go.
With love from me,
Katie Rose (Dickleson!) xx
P.S. Even if you've only ever considered the possibility of starting your own business there will be some GOLD for you over at Bhakti Business, go check it out. I'd love to know what you think.
Want to kick-start your business growth with KATIE ROSE? Here's a helpful list of my most popular resources...