Festivals, Friendship and a Happy Life🌺

katie rose things i'm loving Oct 01, 2024

The ultimate hack for a happy life is a deep relationship with God. When you know there is an unwavering love more vast than the ocean, that can never be taken away from you, you will experience life from a place of ‘already enough, already chosen.'

Namaste and welcome to October!

Here in Sydney we’re about to dive into school holidays which I always greet with a mixture of joy (lazy mornings where I don’t have to make lunchboxes or find school uniform) and trepidation (getting no work done and having to ‘work’ very hard to stay patient in a small house with five kids). Overall though I count my blessings. Watching what is happening in Palestine reminds me everyday how fortunate I am. My daughter is half Lebanese and the spread of war and destruction to Lebanon feels all the more visceral to me somehow. I pray for peace everyday.

Here's what has been happening in my world this last month or so:

→ The ritual of tea without teabags. My sweet friend Elo from Healing Grounds Byron Bay sent me some Earl Grey tea in the mail because she knows it's my favourite. To my dismay it was loose leaf and my first thought was about inconvenience / time wasting (there's a reason teabags were invented!). But then I reframed and realised this provided a beautiful opportunity to slow down and enjoy the ritual of brewing tea the old-fashioned way. So often efficiency is at the cost of sensory delight and enjoying a slower-pace of life.

→ A flower farm to pick my own. Most school holidays the kids and I head to Bendalong on the South Coast of NSW. We've been going there for years and I absolutely love it. I've just discovered the nearby Woodstock Flower Farm which I'll definitely be checking out in the coming weeks.

→ Celebrating my female friends. As you know I’ve been through a break-up this year and it’s been hard. The huge silver lining has been my wonderful tribe of female friends. The sweet friend of over 20 years who bought me the most exquisite flowers at the farmers market. The coach friend who showed up again and again in my DMs helping me vision out expansion and growth in my business over the next 3 years (watch this space). The very wonderful friend who booked a ticket to meet me in Bali in November because she didn’t want me going alone.

And the friend who simply wrote me this message that moved me to tears and arrived just at the right moment:

‘I feel it is the utmost importance in my life to be here for the deep conversations and be the vault of safety. Obviously it is not all who have to reveal / download / share or express their most vulnerable sides or stories. But this is the essence of life and love! I’m always here for you and your beautiful heart and your spectacular life.’

As Amy Rushworth says “You move mountains when you shift from ‘I hope life works out’ to the fierce energy of ‘I trust myself to make it happen’.” And my goodness the strong women around me remind me of this again and again.

→ I just booked tickets for this women’s festival which looks like it will be so fun. I haven't been to a festival for years. Maybe I'll see some of you there?

→ Diving deep into study. Because I’m a life-long learner and always will be. For the remainder of this year and most of 2025 I will be deeply immersed in the MatriBirth Midwifery Institute training. This was a huge investment for me to commit to in both time and money, but now that we've started I'm enjoying it so much. I'm already thinking of ways I'll be sharing what I'm learning with you,watch this space for more birth work offerings coming soon. In the meantime I have a few spaces for doula support - if you know someone who is pregnant and wants support from me please click reply to this email and connect us.

With great love all is possible,

Katie Rose x

P.S. Want a laugh? This Donald Trump spoof had me in stitches.


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