My Favourite Things (July 2024)

katie rose personal transformation things i'm loving Jul 01, 2024

Namaste dear friends, 

The first of the month rolls around again and with it the middle point of the year. I'll be honest the last month was full of highs and not-so-highs. As far as my work in the world goes June was a wonderful month, we opened the doors to my membership program Bhakti Club for a free 10-day experience and I can genuinely say the teaching and community in that space was some of the best I've ever supported and offered in my business. 

I was so incredibly PROUD and HAPPY with the quality and depth of what we collectively created. It was true medicine for troubled times and the balm so many of us need right now. 

On a personal level it was a heavier month. I'm still processing a break-up (we're three months post that but isn't it  just like when you have a baby, that after the excitement of the newness wears off the 'new normal' can feel quite hard?) and re-adjusting to being unexpectedly single. Please don't misunderstand me I'm so capable and strong and in general truly 'okay' but still there is some grief and heartache and I'm here for that too. 

So I've been tending to myself with kindness. Extra sadhana (spiritual practices) and I'm glad that it's winter because it gives me a reason to hibernate and be in my pyjamas at 8pm every evening with a hot water-bottle! 

Here's some of what's getting me through this winter season: 

🌺 I joined a poetry class and I couldn't be more excited! Not one but two girlfriends recommended Poetry and Peonies and I am OBSESSED. This is exactly what my heart needs right now. Let's see how I go but perhaps I'll share some poems with you all soon. For now it's just for fun. 

🌺 I practiced delayed gratification. There were a bunch of things I wanted to buy this month but I made a list instead of whipping out my debit card. I have more than enough and sometimes it's good to dream and not indulge. Here's what is on the list incase you're interested (I do not own any of these items yet but I aspire to all of them!):

→ this dress

→ this crochet kit (a dear friend has offered to do the actual crocheting for me. I don't have the patience!)

→ this exfoliator

→ this training (it looks so great and I adore Jahnavi)

 🌺 I listened to this interview with Donald Trump (I explain why here) and concluded that I'm still definitely not a fan.

 🌺 Then I listened to this to cheer myself up after giving an hour and a half of my time to Trump (it worked).

 🌺 I watched this enchanting TV series and absolutely loved it. Storytelling, magic and history at it's best. Keen to read the book now. 

Oh and on the topic of heartbreak and Donald Trump I'm pretty devastated at the turn Russel Brand has taken. I used to love him so much. And now I don't. If you know, you know.

As well as nurturing myself and taking some time to retreat I've also been angry. Angry at the state of the world. Angry at the frameworks of toxic masculinity that the distortion of the patriarchy creates and the general mess we all find ourselves in both collectively and individually at this moment in history. 

Anger can be a vital and useful force if handled with care. I've dropped into some Kali Practices recently and I want to share these teachings with you soon. There will be an offering centred around the Goddess Kali (she's a firecracker!) coming up - look out for it, I'll be offering some of my most personal work yet in that space. 

With great love all is possible (I truly believe it), 

Katie Rose x

P.S. I know I've sent you a lot of emails in the last few days with the recent 'doors open' for my membership Bhakti Club. I'll give you a break this month I promise - time for a little hibernation. Thank you for sticking with me. ❄️



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