Lovers, Paris, Panettone and more 🌸
Jan 01, 2024
Namaste dear friends and Happy New Year!
December was dare I say it (drumroll) quite restful for me. I mean of course, I had my four younger kids home for the holidays (the eldest is doing his apprenticeship now so he is out of the house most of the day) and it was noisy and messy and full, but I had scheduled for work to wind down and the plan worked! This means I had plenty of time for watching, reading, and listening to fun things. We also rented a big house on the South Coast and spent four beautiful days down there (seven kids and two adults in our house plus two other families in our group!). Lots of (veggie) BBQs and beach action which I love.
This past month I:
LISTENED to this podcast with Egyptian surgeon turned comedian / political commentator Bassem Youssef which was both informative and activating (and surprisingly funny too).
READ 'The Paris Library' by Janet Charles which I loved. Set in WW2 Paris this is a beautiful historical novel that's heartwarming and horrifying in equal measure.
WATCHED this series 'Lovers' (on Binge if you're in Australia) which was one of the best TV shows I've seen in a while. I literally did binge-watch it. It's funny, romantic, and thoughtful (I especially liked the surprising commentary on God). I grew up in London in the 1990s and the Northern Ireland 'Troubles' were a backdrop to the politics I remember as a child. This show gave a whole new perspective while being very entertaining at the same time.
RAISED $1870 with the wonderful Chasca Summerville through our Nervous System Reset charity drive. The money was split equally between medical supplies for children in Gaza and funds for Indigenous community support closer to home. We will do something similar to this again soon.
STUDIED with freebirther Yolande Norris-Clarke who has ten children and educates on natural undisturbed birth. Whilst I do not agree with all her teachings (and I have some serious misgivings about the safety of freebirthing) I do LOVE Yolande and studying with her brought up so many thoughts and reflections for me that I'm going to write a new section for my 'Yoga of Birth' book in 2024. Watch this space.
CHATTED with more incredible women as part of recording ongoing content for the Bhakti Women Summit 2024. Honestly, the caliber of the work these women are doing is breathtaking. As you probably know the Summit is free and REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN. For now here are a couple of presenters to whet your appetite: Sophia Rose (check out her absolutely magical story about how she became a horse guardian) and Mallika Quick (a relationship and intimacy coach like no other) her free mini-course is gold.
BOUGHT (this one was going to be 'BAKED' because I really did intend to attempt baking a panettone but I ran out of time and ended up buying one from my favourite veggo Inner West cafe) an utterly delicious panettone for Christmas Day.
That's all from me for now. I wish you all the happiest of New Years and abundant blessings and peace for the year ahead.
I'm off to India soon! Keep an eye on my Instagram for photo spam. I am soooo excited about this trip.
Katie Rose x
P.S. In case you missed it my latest book came out in late December. Get your hands on a copy HERE.
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